AWS S3 Authentication plugin

This is a plugin for Apache Traffic Server that provides support for the Amazon S3 authentication features. This is useful if you for example want to use S3 as your origin server, yet want to avoid direct user access to the content.

Using the plugin

There are three configuration options for this plugin:

--access_key    <key>
--secret_key    <key>
--config        <config file>

Using the first two in a remap rule would be e.g.:

...  @plugin=s3_auth @pparam=--access_key @pparam=my-key \
                     @pparam=--secret_key @pparam=my-secret \

Alternatively, you can store the access key and secret in an external configuration file, and point the remap rule(s) to it:

... @plugin=s3_auth @pparam=–config @pparam=s3.config

Where s3.config would look like:

# AWS S3 authentication

For more details on the S3 auth, see:


This is a pretty barebone start for the S3 services, it is missing a number of features:

Contributions to any of these would be appreciated.